وسادة سرير مريحة للأمهات على شكل حرف U قطن وردي 70x25x120سم

وسادة سرير مريحة للأمهات على شكل حرف U قطن وردي 70x25x120سم

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البراند: مازر كومفورت

كود : N14022235A

مشاهدة سريعه

تسوق مازر كومفورت أونلاين. شحن مضمون إلى الإمارات ✓ أفضل الأسعار ✓ شحن آمن ✓ 100% دون لمس ✓ إرجاع مجاني بسهولة ✓ الدفع عند الاستلام. تسوق الآن
  • تقدم دعماً رائعاً لرقبتك ومصممة خصيصاً للنساء الحوامل.
  • توفر دعماً للظهر والبطن لنوم مريح وصحي.
  • نسيج ناعم يمنح البشرة شعوراً لطيفاً ودافئاَ.
U-shaped cushion of u-fitted cloth with zipper, removable cover and washing, pregnant women to support the head, back, shoulders, thighs, legs and abdomen. Promote good sleep 'Pregnancy pilles from Mother Comforter contributed to reducing pressure during sleep, which may be utility for those who suffer from sleep problems. Our pad cover provides convenience for all type modes and neck pain and will wake up with a lively feeling and activity and will be prepared for the day. The excellent bed cushion will give you this comfort throughout the night. Is characterized by. Flexible in choosing the surrounding surrounding surround (low or high perimeter). The pad maintains the format after regular use. It will not change its light and hardness due to external temperature. Comfort for all persons who sleep in different positions will be faster and deeper. Try it for a new level of comfort when sleeping. The Neck Ocean Pillow corresponds to your normal curve. Compared to other pillows, fit the bed pillow this head and neck smoothly, adapt to your singles, fill the gap and enhance the spine alignment. Muscles can help to relax and definitely improve your sleep quality.

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