SinusCalm Unflavored

SinusCalm Unflavored

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البراند: بويرون

كود : N49691007A

مشاهدة سريعه

تسوق بويرون أونلاين. شحن مضمون إلى الإمارات ✓ أفضل الأسعار ✓ شحن آمن ✓ 100% دون لمس ✓ إرجاع مجاني بسهولة ✓ الدفع عند الاستلام. تسوق الآن
  • Won’t mask symptoms of a more serious.
  • Homeopathic multi-symptom sinus relief medicine.
  • Targets sinus pain with a stuffy or runny nose.
  • Non-habit forming; no risk of a rebound effect.
  • Tablets dissolve quickly under the tongue without water, chewing, or swallowing pills.
Unlike conventional medications that mask full-blown symptoms, Boiron SinusCalm tablets are specifically designed to relieve nasal congestion, sinus pain and pressure, and headache due to the common cold or allergies. This homeopathic sinus relief medicine targets sinus pain with a stuffy or runny nose.The tablets dissolve quickly under the tongue without water, chewing, or swallowing pills. SinusCalm is non-drowsy and phenylephrine-free, and won’t interact with other medications or supplements, including those for colds and allergies — two of the main causes of sinus congestion

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