مكمل غذائي بريغنينولون غذائي- 60 كبسولة

مكمل غذائي بريغنينولون غذائي- 60 كبسولة

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البراند: ام ار ام

كود : N36628365A

مشاهدة سريعه

تسوق ام ار ام أونلاين. شحن مضمون إلى الإمارات ✓ أفضل الأسعار ✓ شحن آمن ✓ 100% دون لمس ✓ إرجاع مجاني بسهولة ✓ الدفع عند الاستلام. تسوق الآن
  • يعزز المناعة ويقلل من خطر الإصابة بالأمراض المزمنة.
  • يساعد في الحفاظ على قوة العظام.
  • شكل الكبسولة يتيح استهلاكاً مريحاً.
Pregnenolone is not a steroid but a steroid hormone precursor manufactured in the body from cholesterol. Pregnenolone is converted in the liver to DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) and progesterone (and ultimately other hormones such as estrogen and testosterone). It is important to note that as we age the body’s natural pregnenolone levels decrease. Therefore, supplemental pregnenolone may play an important role in today’s aging population supporting lean body mass, strength, immune health as well as bone and cardiovascular health.

MRM is dedicated to the furthering of nutritional modalities in the arena of Alternative Healthcare. Our staff of highly trained professionals is committed and passionate about the development of innovative nutritional supplements that reflect sound, clinical and experimental data collection, interpretation and application.

MRM‘s dedication to going Non-GMO starts at the ingredient level, as we source the highest quality ingredients to be evaluated for any formulation. Each is supported by proper documentation stating the starting materials, processing aids and excipients used in the manufacturing to be free of GMOs. We have been working with a third-party verification called the Non-GMO Project. To provide the quality of products you deserve, we continually have products enrolled in the Non-GMO Projects verification process.

Pregnenolone is synthesized from cholesterol. This conversion involves hydroxylation at the side-chain at C20 and C22 positions, with cleavage of the side-chain. The enzyme performing this task is cytochrome P450scc, located in the mitochondria, and controlled by anterior pituitary tropic hormones, such as adrenocorticotropic hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone.

Pregnenolone and its sulfate, like DHEA and its sulfate and progesterone, belong to the group of neuro-steroids that are found in high concentrations in certain areas of the brain, and are synthesized there. Since pregnenolone is a precursor to DHEA, its balance in the body helps to support memory and cognition, joint health, energy, fatigue reduction, cholesterol balance and wellness and mood.

Do not take with barbiturates or alcohol. Do not use if under the age of 18, pregnant, nursing or suspect a medical condition.

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